Moving forward can be scary. But as a small business owner I’m more scared of not moving forward. I’m still motivated to expand my business and create new opportunities. From next week onwards, I’m opening my deli three days a week, from Wednesday to Friday, 12 pm – 5.30 pm.
To make this work means big changes. First off there will be two menus, the online menu for pre-orders, and a second menu available exclusively for the deli. I’ve had to create two menus so any curries bought in the deli don’t take away from the reserved online orders. The last thing I want is people in the deli taking food that’s already been reserved online.
The next big change is my working hours. To create additional food I need additional time. So I’ll no longer be food shopping on a Monday. Ingredients will now be delivered to the deli via wholesalers specialising in locally sourced produce. My spices and Indian pantry staples will be sourced by a friend in Birmingham who has access to all the big Indian wholesalers. He reckons he can save me money even after sending my items via a next day courier service. Tuesdays will then swap from a day off to a day in the kitchen, cooking fresh curries for the deli.
In time I hope to create enough new revenue to employ someone in the kitchen and deli. I’m also going to spruce up the shop over the summer, stock the shelves with new food and fairtrade items, and lay a new non-slip floor for the winter.
I’m not expecting a mad rush from day one. It will take time. But opening the deli three days a week does makes my food more accessible, and allows me to start advertising proper opening hours, not just six hours on a Friday afternoon.
I hope these new opening hours open up further business and makes things a little easier for those who’ve never been able to visit on a Friday. I’ll have both fresh and frozen curries available and a choice of snacks and sides.
Pre-orders can only be collected on Fridays and at markets. Farmers markets will remain the same. There are still places available for our June Supper Club, bookings can be made via our online shop at
Thank you for your support and I hope you find the new opening hours favourable.